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Looking for a job: office jobs

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:51pm
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Posts: 2

Location: Salou

Joined: 12 Aug 2020

Hi there,

Hope All of you are keeping well.

I am from a part of Spain that is called "El Bierzo". 

I was born in Switzerland, but my parents moved back to Spain when I was 3 years old.

I get to used to move to live in different parts of Spain, so when I was on my 35th I move to England to learn some English.

Then I moved to Scotland and even I lived in Belfast around 3 years.

I have been visiting different parts of the UK and even the Republic of Ireland.

I have been working in different kind of jobs. I started as Housekeeping, move to a Hostel where I used to work as a supervisor during the breakfast, then I started in Caffe shops at the airports and, my last job was in Exchange currency at Gatwick Airport.

Unfortunately, this job is no longer available and because my family has a house closed to Montblanc (Tarragona), I am thinking about to go to live there.

I lived for a while in Andorra, where I learn to speak Catalan, so I know Catalan, English and I am a native Spanish speaker.

I have knowledge of Sage and Administration, but my experience is based on Customer Services. I love a challenge and I will be very grateful if someone can suggest places where I can apply for a job.

I have been looking already by myself, but I feel that there are maybe hidden opportunities that I could consider it and I will be very grateful if someone can give any advice.

( I am still in England, but ready to move back when I will get the change) 

Many Thanks and please, do not hesitate if you have an offer and you would like to know more about me

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